

English teaching and learning




Objetivos: aprender la edad moderna e identificar los inventos más importantes

Contenidos: America, astrolabe, caravel, Christopher Columbus, invention, magnetic compass, maize, navigation map, printing press, silk, discovered, sailed, brought back

Tareas: class book page 103 activity book page 39 nº1


Objetivos: aprender sobre la Edad Media y cómo vivían la gente en ese período. Identificar las partes de un castillo.

Contenidos: battlements, castle, Christian Kingdom, drawbridge, Islamic civilization, King, Kingdom, moat, Muslim, noblemen, peasant, tax, tower.

Tareas: class book page 102 activity book page 38 nº2


Objetivos: aprender sobre aspectos de la Historia Antigua y cómo vivían los Romanos.

Contenidos: amphitheatre, ancient history, aqueduct, circus, domus, insulae, Latin, Roman Empire, temple, theatre, tiled roof.

Tareas: class book page 101 activity book page 38 nº1


Objetivos: aprender sobre la prehistoria y describir cómo vivía la gente

Contenidos: arrowhead, clay, cloth, hammer, harpoon, hut, metal, nomad, pot, Prehistory, tool, tribe, cultivate, domesticate, sedentary, became, caught, gathered, hunted, moved, painted

Tareas: class book page 100 and activity book page 37 nº2

Prehistory is the oldest and longest period of our past. It began when human beings first appeared on Earth, about 2 million years ago, and ended with the invention of writing.The first human beings lived in small groups called tribes normally nomads that moved from place to place to look for food and shelter. Later, human beings learned to cultivate crops and to domesticate animals. They became sedentary.


Objetivos: usar números ordinales para hablar de los siglos e interpretar una línea del tiempo. Identifica los períodos principales en la historia.

Contenidos: century, history, timeline, Prehistory, Ancient History, Middle Ages, Modern Age, Contemporary Age, ordinal numbers

Tareas: class book page 99 Nº1, Nº2 and activity book page 37 nº1

Studying history helps us to find out about how people lived in the past. We measure time in decades, centuries and millenium with ordinal numbers, for example first century.

Ordinal numbers

1st: first, 2nd: second, 3rd: third, 4th: fourth, 5th: fifth, 6th: sixth, 7th: seventh, 8th: eighth, 9th: ninth, 10th: tenth, 11th: eleventh, 12th: twelfth, 13th: thirteenth, 14th: fourteenth, 15th: fifteenth, 16th: sixteenth, 17th: seventeenth, 18th: eighteenth, 19th: nineteenth, 20th: twentieth,, 21st: twenty-first

1,902: one thousand nine hundred and two


Objetivos: repaso unidad
Contenidos: la unidad
Tareas: class book page 97


Objetivos: conocer los derechos y obligaciones de los ciudadanos en una democracia y conocer los Derechos Internacionales del Niño.
Contenidos: Constitution, equality, obligation, right, tax, obey, pay, receive, respect, vote, international
Tareas: class book page 96, activity book page 36 nº2
Rights for example to equality, to vote in elections, etc.
Obligations for example to obey the law, pay taxes, etc.
The Rights of the Child: they have special rights to protect them, for example to receive food, wáter, housing and medical services, to grow up in a tolerant society.


Objetivos: aprender sobre las elecciones en España y comprender el papel de las elecciones en un democracia. Contenidos: autonomous, election manifesto, elections, general, government, municipal, political party. Tareas: class book page 95 and activity book page 36 nº1

Answer the questions:

  1. Which countries border Spain?
  2. Which is the capital city of Spain?
  3. Which is the smallest administrative division?
  4. How many autonomous communities are there?
  5. Which is the most importat Spanish law?

In a democracy citizens of a country are represented by the Government. Members of the government belong to a political party, a group of citizens with similar ideas about how to govern the country (election manifesto) Types of elections: general elections, autonomous elections and municipal elections.


Objetivos: aprender sobre instituciones españolas e identificar sus funciones.

Contenidos: Congress, Courts of Justice, Senate, democracy, government, Head of State, King, minister, obligation, parliament, the President, right, Spanish Constitution.

Tareas: class book page 94 nº1, 2 and activity book page 35 nº2

Spain is a democracy: all citizens are equal and have the same rights and obligations, written in the Spanish Constitution, written and approved in 1978.

Spain has the following institutions: Head of State (king), the Courts of Justice, the Government (President + ministers) and the Parliament (Congress and Senate).

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