

English teaching and learning


6º PRIMARIA 2014-2015


reviewing 5

Reviewing 4


Paul lives in Barcelona and goes to a public school. He is in 6th grade and enjoys the school subject a lot. Near his school there is a big park where he spends the time playing football in the afternoons. There are two gift shops and a cinema next to the supermarket opposite the school. The cinema is bigger tan the cinema that is in his street.

Paul likes English, it is his favourite subject. He is better at English than his friend Tom.

  1. Where does Paul live?
  2. What is his favourite subject?
  3. What can you find near the school?
  4. Who is better at English Paul or his friend Tom?
  5. Write all the comparatives you find in the text and write the corresponding adjective

Watch this video and write some sentences about it:

Reviewing 3

1. Write as many words as possible connected with places in a city, e.g. ticket office

2. Write the word that corresponds to the following definition:

a. a place where there are horses.

b. a place where you can buy food

c. a place where you can watch movies.

a place where you eat.

e. a place where the king lives.

f. a place where you can have apicnic

g. a place where you can buy books

h. a place where you can have snacks

i. a place where you can buy presents.

j. a place where you can read books.

k. a place where you can catch trains.

3. Write definitions like the one in exercise nº2 for: hospital, school, park, bank, butcher’s, sweet shop, greengrocer’s, hairdresser’s, chemist’s.

Reviewing 2


1. write as many words as possible connected with action verbs, e.g., go cycling

2. Make questions for the underlined words

  • She wants to go to the island.
  • She wants to go horse-riding on Sunday.
  • Mary is in 7th grade.
  • They study English in their bedroom.

Working session 4

Work in the tertiary sector
65 % of the working population is employed in the tertiary sector in Spain. The main activities are:
• Trade with two types of trade: domestic trade and foreign trade. Domestic trade is the exchange of services or products within the same country. Foreign trade is the exchange of services or products between at least two different countries. Spain imports, that is, it buys from other foreign countries above all machines, chemical products and cars… Spain exports, that is, sells to foreign countries farming, industrial and energy products.
• Transport. There are three types of transport:
– Terrestrial transport: this can be on road with a lot of motorways and on railway with some old parts
– Air transport with 50 airports most of them international airports
– Sea transport, very important for our foreign trade. The main commercial harbours are in Bilbao, Algeciras, Valencia, Tarragona and Barcelona.
• Tourism. We have two types of tourism in Spain:
– National tourism: Spanish tourists travel within Spain.
– International tourism: Foreign tourists visiting Spain. They are mainly from Germany, France, Great Britain and the Netherlands.
The favourite destinations are the Mediterranean area, the archipelago, the north of Spain and some historic cities such as Toledo, Segovia, Salamanca, Sevilla, Granada, etc.


  1. Name the main activities that exist in the tertiary sector.
  2. How many types of trade are there?
  3. What is foreign trade?
  4. What does Spain buy from other countries?
  5. Make a question whose answer is the underlined part: Spain sells to forign countries farming, industrial and energy products.
  6. Name the types of transport that exist in Spain
  7. What is the difference between the national tourism and international tourism.
  8. Make a question for: The Mediterranean area, the archipielago, the north of Spain and some historic cities.


Work in the primary sector
Only 5% of the working population is employed in the primary sector in Spain. The main activities of this sector are:
• Agriculture: non-irrigated land with crops such as cereals, grapevine and olive or irrigated land with rice, fruits, beetroot, vegetables and legume.
• Cattle industry: with the breeding of bovine, pork, poultry and ovine.
• Fishing: catching mainly tuna, hake, sardine, anchovy, red sea bream and seafood.
• Forestry: From forests we obtain raw materials such as wood, resin and cork.
• Mining: with coal, iron, uranius sites and cement, marble and granite quarries.
Work in the secondary sector
30% of the working population is employed in the secondary sector in Spain. The main activities are:
• Production of energy: in hydraulic, thermal, nuclear, solar and wind station.
• Heavy industries: mainly the iron and steel and petrochemical industries which obtain products from petroleum.
• Consumer goods industries that produce the products we consume. The main industries are the food, cloth, electronic, car, shoe and metallurgical industries
• Building with any type of work: road, buildings, harbours, airports, train rails, etc.


1. Which percentage of people work in the primary sector?

2. Which percentage of people work in the secondary sector?

3. Name some crops in non-irrigated land

4. Name some crops in irrigated land

5. Write the fish that appear in the fishing sector together with their Spanish translation.

6. Type of energy produced in the secondary sector.

7.Name the main industries in the consumer goods industries.


Secondary Sector

Secondary sector consists of activities used to transform raw materials into elaborated products. The most significant ones are energy industries, iron and steel industries, petrochemical industries and consumer goods industries.

The most industrialized areas are in the south of Great Britain, the north of France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and the north of Italy.

Tertiary Sector

Tertiary sector is formed by those activities that offer services to society: transport, trade, tourism, education, health care, etc.

In Europe, the main activities are:

·         Transport: Europe has the most modern terrestrial and air system and has a commercial fleet

·         Trade: half of the worldwide trade depends on the sales done in Europe.

·         Tourism: the European countries specially those in the Mediterranean Sea are the most visited by tourists.


1. Which sector transforms raw material into elaborated products?

2. Name industries in the secondary sector.

3. Which areas are the most industrialized in Europe?

4. True or False: The main activities in Secondary Sector are transport, trade and tourism.

5. What does the tertiary sector offer to society?


Siguiendo la dinámica de otros trimestres y años vamos a trabajar con un tema de conocimiento del medio en inglés para que así los alumnos conozcan expresiones y vocabularios propios de esta área y puedan ampliar sus horizontes. El tema elegido ha sido «El Trabajo y la Economía»

Work is divided into three sectors: primary, secondary and tertiary sectors.

Primary Sector

Primary sector is formed by those activities that obtain products directly from nature. These products can be food, minerals or raw materials to elaborate other products.

In Europe, the main activities of primary sectors are:

  • Agriculture: the most productive and mechanical in the world. The main crops are cereals, potatoes, beetroots, olive, grapevine, fruit and vegetables. The most profitable areas are in Denmark, France, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain.
  • Cattle industry: generally speaking it is very productive since it is developed in specialized farms with selected breed. Bovine, sheep, pig and poultry are bred.
  • Fishing: the main fishing countries are Spain, Ireland, Great Britain, Norway, Island and Denmark. Their fishing boats go to any part of the world because of the lack of fish in Europe.
  • Forestry mainly in the northern countries such as Russia, Finland, Sweden and Norway.
  • It is not very important. The most outstanding are the coal site in Great Britain, France and Germany and the petroleum in Russia and the North Sea.


  1. How many work sectors are there?
  2. What do activities in the primary sector do?
  3. What type of products are obtained in the primary sector?
  4. Make a drawing of the main crops and label them.
  5. Make a question whose answer is: In Denmark, France, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain.
  6. Name the main activities in Primary sector.
  7. Where can you find bovine, sheep, pig and poultry?
  8. Which are the main fishing countries?
  9. Make a list of the countries mentioned together with its Spanish translation.


Captar el sentido global y específico de textos breves sobre planes futuros. Utilizar la lengua inglesa para completar texto sobre un niño de Santander y lo que va a hacer cuando pase sus vacaciones en Asturias

p. 56 y AB p. 56 Grammar book unit 6


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