Siguiendo la dinámica de otros trimestres y años vamos a trabajar con un tema de conocimiento del medio en inglés para que así los alumnos conozcan expresiones y vocabularios propios de esta área y puedan ampliar sus horizontes. El tema elegido ha sido «El Trabajo y la Economía»

Work is divided into three sectors: primary, secondary and tertiary sectors.

Primary Sector

Primary sector is formed by those activities that obtain products directly from nature. These products can be food, minerals or raw materials to elaborate other products.

In Europe, the main activities of primary sectors are:

  • Agriculture: the most productive and mechanical in the world. The main crops are cereals, potatoes, beetroots, olive, grapevine, fruit and vegetables. The most profitable areas are in Denmark, France, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain.
  • Cattle industry: generally speaking it is very productive since it is developed in specialized farms with selected breed. Bovine, sheep, pig and poultry are bred.
  • Fishing: the main fishing countries are Spain, Ireland, Great Britain, Norway, Island and Denmark. Their fishing boats go to any part of the world because of the lack of fish in Europe.
  • Forestry mainly in the northern countries such as Russia, Finland, Sweden and Norway.
  • It is not very important. The most outstanding are the coal site in Great Britain, France and Germany and the petroleum in Russia and the North Sea.


  1. How many work sectors are there?
  2. What do activities in the primary sector do?
  3. What type of products are obtained in the primary sector?
  4. Make a drawing of the main crops and label them.
  5. Make a question whose answer is: In Denmark, France, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain.
  6. Name the main activities in Primary sector.
  7. Where can you find bovine, sheep, pig and poultry?
  8. Which are the main fishing countries?
  9. Make a list of the countries mentioned together with its Spanish translation.